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Posts Tagged ‘NJ workplace injuries’

5 Common Hazards That Lead to Slip and Fall Accidents in the NJ Workplace

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common workplace accidents in NJ and across the U.S. Each year thousands of employees miss thousands of days at work because they have a broken arm, sprained neck, or another injury from falling at work.

Another important statistic about slip and fall accidents is that they occur in a variety of NJ workplaces and work environments. Offices, industrial warehouses, construction sites, and hospitals are all common locations for an employee to slip and fall. Other accidents occur in restaurants, hair salons, and schools.

Yet, slip and fall accidents are preventable. Very few employees are falling without reason and most slip and fall accidents occur because of a hazard in the workplace. Putting in place alternatives and safety features can reduce the hazards leading to slip and fall accidents. In particular, employers can work to address these five common hazards at work.

#1: Cables and Cords Across the Floors

Employees often don’t notice where their computer or printer is plugged in, until the cord to that power source becomes a hazard in the hallway or other areas of the workplace. In fact, cables and cords that go unnoticed or unsecured on the floor are one of the most common reasons for slip and fall accidents in the office.

However, it isn’t just law firms and business professionals that need to worry about this hazard. Extension cords, power cords, ropes, and other cables are common in warehouses, industrial facilities, and other workplaces …

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What Role Does Employee Fatigue Play in New Jersey Workplace Injuries?

New Jersey workplace injuries occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes an employee isn’t properly trained on equipment and in other instances the machinery or equipment malfunctions. There are accidents and the accidental spreading of illness. Chemicals, electrical issues, and improperly placed or stored inventory can all lead to New Jersey workplace injuries. However, even among the plethora of reasons for employee injuries, fatigue causes an unusually high number of these accidents.

Why Is America So Tired?

More than ever people in the United States are working two or more jobs to make ends meet and pay their bills. Over the past 15 years, there’s been a steady rise in the number of Americans reporting a second part-time job or even an additional full-time position. As of late 2017, an estimated 7.6 million Americans were working two or more jobs, which was an increase of .2% over the previous reporting year.

This increase in U.S. employees with multiple jobs is having a cooling impact on the U.S. economy, but there’s more. Many of these workers are finding their extra hours in positions with a high risk of workplace injuries, and it is suspected that working two jobs is only making these numbers climb higher.

Of the individuals working multiple jobs in New Jersey, a substantial percentage are exhausted and burnout – leading to a higher overall number of New Jersey workplace injuries due to fatigue.

How Frequent Are New Jersey Workplace Injuries from Fatigue?

All reports tell us that …

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What Workplace Injuries Are Common Among Manufacturing Employees?

Over the past few months, our team at the Law Offices of Albert J. Talone has explored the most common workplace injuries in the most injury prone professions. We’ve covered the top injuries on construction sites, in restaurants, and even in healthcare professions. Now, we turn to workplace injuries that are frequent in manufacturing and product development.

As a whole, the United States, including New Jersey, is moving away from labor-intensive manufacturing environments. It is not only more cost-efficient to use machines for much of the work, but also safer. Truly, these trends in manufacturing plants and facilities have significantly decreased the overall number of workplace injuries in manufacturing, and more specifically cut the number of serious injuries and fatalities.

Yet, employees in manufacturing facilities, product development site, and test facilities are injured on a regular basis in New Jersey. We explore what type of manufacturing presents the greatest likelihood of injury and what workplace injuries a manufacturing employee should be cognizant to avoid.

Different Manufacturing, Different Number of Injuries

Not all manufacturing facilities present the same type or degree of risk for a workplace injury. The U.S. Department of Labor tracks each and every injury that is filed as a workers’ compensation claim in New Jersey and throughout the U.S. As part of this process, a division of the Department of Labor, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), collects and catalogs information about the severity of the injury, how it occurred, and what work …

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Top Tips for a Remote Employee After a New Jersey Work Injury

The New Jersey law on workers’ compensation is purposefully broad. The state legislature wanted to be certain that employers and insurance companies covered the workplace injuries of each and every employee without loopholes or technicalities disqualifying an eligible worker. However, these laws were also designed for traditional places of work, and today’s employment landscape is far from traditional.

The digital age is changing how we connect, interact, and work. More people are requesting and accepting remote employment. This includes people that work from home, set up shop in a co-working or shared space, telecommute, and even live as digital nomads. In fact, the number of Americans working in a remote or telecommuting position now tops 40%.

We addressed how and when the workers’ compensation laws applied to a New Jersey work injury that occurred in these work setups in an earlier blog post. Now, we want to address the top tips a remote employee should take to ensure he or she receives workers’ compensation.

Tip #1: Make the Cause of Your New Jersey Work Injury Clear

Remote employees enjoy a lot of freedom. For some people, this is the freedom to work anywhere, while others appreciate the freedom of flexible work hours. This flexibility and decreased structure can present some problems if a remote employee suffers a New Jersey work injury while on a break or engaged in a non-work activity.

Just because you are hurt between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm doesn’t make you …

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The Law Office Of Albert J. Talone
The Law Office Of Albert J. Talone is committed to providing for those with Workers Compensation cases throughout New Jersey.
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